I wouldn't say it was EMOJI MOVIE bad. No, the Emoji Movie is still worse and THE worst. Here are the pros:
-Some funny jokes
-Amazing animation
-Good message
-Nice cameos
-Felix and Calhoun (corny but funny)
-A few exciting scenes
-Funny Google scene
Now the cons would be:
-Vanellope's new purpose. Gets her dream only to take it for granted and get her game destroyed after Ralph saved it in the first movie, making the original plot pointless. What she did, going by herself IN GAME was really stupid. She became a less likable character, only thinking about what she wanted without considering the consequences. What an AMAZING president.
-Too much advertising. They had everything, from Ebay to YouTube (BuzzTube in the movie), and though it was cleverly portrayed, it's still an obvious cash grab. Also, why have BuzzTube if YouTube gave permission for them to include them?
-The musical part. Wreck-It-Ralph wasn't really a musical at first, so obviously we won't get that vibe. It was really cringey when Vanellope is singing with the princesses, and especially when the GTA race game became a Broadway musical. CRINGE.
-The plot. It had a good message, but I expected the new plot to be more original. It's kind of repeating the previous plot in a different way. Ralph wanting friends, Vanellope wanting to race. Vanellope screwing things up with her glitch. Ralph saving Vanellope. And the virus thing. It repeated itself the whole way in a different context, with Ralph almost dying in the end and a girl (or in this case, girlS) saving him, JUST LIKE BEFORE.
-Last but definitely not least, the princesses. I mean, seriously, the way Rapunzel inserted the "big, strong man" line was so forced and on the nose. Everyone doesn't ASSUME the princesses' problems are solved because of the big, strong man. Merida, Elsa, Mulan... they are iconic female characters. And Ariel? She saved Eric first. He was the "damsel in distress" first. I think they just wanted to demonize being in a romantic relationship, which really isn't a bad thing. Merida, Moana, and Elsa didn't have romantic interests, so Disney didn't make ALL the princesses fall in love. Probably Sarah Silverman's idea.
There's my opinion. Though there were some things I liked, there were too many negativities. Wreck-It-Ralph deserved a better sequel (or none at all).