"The Beasts" is a tense and thought-provoking film that tackles the difficult and timely topics of xenophobia and conflict over resources. The story, based on real events, follows a French couple as they try to make a new life for themselves in the Galician countryside. However, their peaceful existence is threatened by a wind farm project and the escalating hostility of their neighbors.
Ménochet and Foïs give powerful performances as the couple caught in the middle of this conflict, and the film does a great job of exploring the complex and nuanced nature of these issues. The tension builds steadily throughout the film, making it an intense and emotionally charged viewing experience.
Overall, "The Beasts" is a thought-provoking and powerful film that tackles important themes with honesty and sensitivity. It's a must-see for anyone interested in the human experience and the impact of our actions on those around us.