A well disguised self-aggrandizement of the key protagonist, Leon. People love this show for the right reasons and are able to see past it, but it bothers me how manufactured and disingenuous the whole premise is. The proof is in the episode titles. Leon could have focused on the kindness of people in humble circumstances, which is the actual inspiring part of the show. Instead, he titles each show and builds each story around the focal point of his own "kindness" and the material reward he so “generously” bestows on people. "I'm so successful. I'm so kind. I'm so benevolent, rewarding people for letting me impose on them and test how far their generosity will go in their poverty. I'm such a glorious example of kindness. Your whole family should watch me, emulate and worship me." Don't you love how Leon strategically flashes footage of his super fancy house in between "kindness" stories? So he got a production company to follow him on a fun world tour where he didn't have to spend a pence on food/lodging/gas, mooched off poor people, positioned himself as a savior when he rewarded people (cue the dramatic music and tears at such a "kind" gesture), and now the world can think he's the greatest person. I expected to like this show, but the execution kinda makes me sick. I see right through the guise of this “positive, uplifting" show. Disappointing to see yet again that chronic narcissism still runs the production world.