As one who have voted based on Character and other key principles, and NOT party for I've voted both ways as I allow God to lead me and NOT humans. I am very appalled at how Pat Robertson using his voice to further divide this country. It is no secret that he is a stark Republican and I respect his stance. I don't see him respecting others through his actions made known to the world. God says to: pray for those in leadership but all I hear is him being so very critical about the democratic party that it's sickening to me. I hope he reads these comments for I am subject to write a letter to him also. So what about the prophecy and all that happens on your program for gifts and calling are without repentance. While out of his same mouth, as James speaks in 3:10 on taming the tongue,, proceeds blessings cursing, these things are not to be so. He needs to be very cautious how he speaks for in speaking in a divisive way is not representation of a spokeman for God for God does not divide his people. You do a great job of showing the world how divided Christomdom is. So very sad and it breaks my heart that you only speak doom to this party but not the one you are addicted to. I think you love the Republicans more than God. But as David said in 1 Chronicles 21:13 when being judged by God: "let me fall into the hands of God for you are merciful and very great. DO NOT let me fall into human hands. This is an example of a human who cannot see himself and how he is misrepresenting the Kingdom of God with his critical critique of those in whom John 3:16 still applies to and not just to the Republican Party who stand to be judged as us all. Don't get it twisted PAT ROBERTSON! No big I and little you in Christ Jesus. You must clean up your own act at 88 with one foot in the grave and another on a banana peel. You're subject to fly away any moment. You don't want your soul that returns to God full of pride.