It is a series high on sets, costumes, visuals even acting but low on story. First two episodes are totally confusing with introduction of so many characters it becomes difficult to keep track of who is who. From third episod some clarity starts emerging in the storyline and it promises to be a gripping climax. But in the second last episode the plot starts to unravel and in the final episode it falls flat. Tawaifs turn into freedom fighters overnight marching with mashals in hand. As to the period sought to be depicted less said the better. In the pre-partition days (1940s) Lahore communal situation was explosive. Hindu Muslim riots were common place. Overwhelming majority of Muslims were busy with realization of their dream of Pakistan under the inspiring leadership of Jinnah. But Mr Bhansali wants us to believe that muslims were fighting for freedom of the country; some may be, but most were fighting for Pakistan.