SPOILER ALERT!!!! (I am trying not to spoil but some things simply must be said) They almost ruined the integrity of the first game with this sequel. It's so bad, i wish i didnt get it, i wish i would've just kept the memory of the first game as my only experience with this series. When i heard the leaks, i didnt care, i thought naughty dog would craft the story in a way that was still satisfying and compelling, i believed in them. I was so wrong. The gameplay is much like the first game(which is fine), probably a little better as i found ellie's switch blade to be very satisfying to use rather than having to craft and waste shivs. The graphics are incredible, it is probably the best looking game on PS4. Its stunning much like horizon zero dawn but even prettier. I even loved some of the new characters introduced in this game: i fell in love with Dina's character so much, i was not expecting to care for her but i truly thought her story arc and support/chemistry to Ellie was perfect. She is up there as one of my favorite support characters in all of video game history, i wish she had a bigger part in the game honestly. The character of Jessie was also great, he was noble and an incredibly charismatic ally to have in the game. The problem with this game, and the reason i have to give it a 1 star review is two things specifically, both relating to the story: First, the 2nd HALF of the game, an ENTIRE 50% of this game is not played as Ellie, you control essentially the antagonist of the game and the entire time naughty dog is trying to make him/her relatable and liked by the player but that is simply impossible for any fan of the first game because of this character's actions in the first half of this game(plus the character is just not intetesting, or likeable in any way, they have zero charisma). I spent the entire 2nd half of this game just mad about having to play the game, i had no interest in this character, in fact, i loathed them, as that is a very understandable stance considering what they do in the first half of the game. So basically, to sum up, AN ENTIRE HALF OF THIS GAME IS NOT ENJOYABLE TO PLAY. Ellie's part is pretty great i think, i love her relationship with Dina and how she devolped as a character from 7 years ago, she is much more mature, but still holds her original charm, in a good way. but thats only about 12 hours of the entire game. SECONDLY, they disrespect Joel so much in this game, they make his character weak, pathetic, sad, cowardly, shameful, stupid, awkward, NOTHING like he was im the first game!!! And thats just from a characteristic standpoint, don't even get me started on what they do on a story standpoint. And to top it all off, naughty dog has a chance to redeem these things by providing some sense of justice at the end of the game but they blow it on EVERY LEVEL. Ellie kills hundreds of people in this game for NOTHING because at the end she lets the antagonist live, the antagonist who she has been hunting down and killed 100s of innocent people to get to, how does that make snese? That made the entire thing a waste of time!!!! It made it all for nothing. If you liked the first game, and you play this game, you will hate it. Naughty Dog really almost ruined the series but thankfully we always have the first game to remember.