Know lots of recovering drug addicts and this movie did not portray the degradation that eventually hits the truly addicted. The frequent pauses in scenes were non sensical and bored the hell out of me and my husband. I though the acting was pathetic especially Steve Carrell. His face was not a window into his emotions. He simply lacked the ability to emote. We almost stopped watching the movie after half an hour because we were bored. Unfortunately we stuck with it. If you want to see real addiction portrayed see Trainspotting and Sid and Nancy. They don't look like Tim. I already knew what parents go thru with addicted children. Was glad that at the very end the father realized he can't fix his son and shuts him down. It was not worth the slogging through meaningless pauses and trying to figure out what were flashbacks. Don't know if the graduation was from high school or college. No idea of the passage of time. Overall I'd give the movie a 25% if I were writing for rotten tomatoes.