I found this movie to be more reality then most will ever understand. The depth behind nearly all of the words, phrases as well as involving the whole entire story line. Except as the end of the movie began to set into place the finality of what happened.
I would like to really know where you attained this information? Not in any direction toward conflict of nature behind it all. But more along the lines- ( How long have you been observing?) I know that you did not have the final visuals for the last part of your movie - But what you had was indeed pretty good at winging it with what you have been observing. But was not quite what all going to be, as the game of chess reaches those last moments.
But I commend all for the tactful use of all the key words, which only someone as myself and others related would so quickly connect the dots and background related meanings to each.
Have you ever just perhaps gave it another deeper approach? Maybe instead of so closely shadowing us, you might step forward and just have made your intentions known. Thus had a more fact based conclusion. ( You do realize that only a few, very few will even understand what it was all actually being played out. ) That few being the few whom are indeed in relation to such events which have happened and those that are currently in motion. No-one else will really have any form of idea to what you have just shared. -