Firstly, Disney said for this new adaptation they tried to make it more culturally acceptable and appropriate and stick to the original ballad as closely as possible; cool, I get that. But then I asked my in-laws what homeland Chinese people thought about it and from what I gathered while a few people /did/ find it offensive the majority just found it endlessly amusing and the main reason the movie tanked back then was due to bad release timing. Also some of the changes in the new adaptation don't make sense. If Disney wanted to try and stick as closely to the original ballad as possible, why is there a witch? Why is there a romance? Neither of those were in the original ballad. In fact, the original ballad is much, much darker than anything Disney could ever hope to create. Homeland Chinese people are even unsatisfied with the changes. On top of that, there already /is/ a more historically accurate movie released in 2009. It's clear to see Disney just plans to profit off of nostalgia and I'm not buying it.