This is by far the best Survival game I've played until now. Of course this is not the kind of game you can rush to the end, you have to plan before taking risks, or will be punished.
You have to manage stamina and health carefully with food (wild animals and vegetal food). Those ressources got to be used carefully, because they spoil over time.
The crafting system is really good, easy to use, and recipes are unlocked as soon as you grab a new ingredient or interact with a new ressource. Inventory management is an important aspect of the game, but you will find ways to improve storage options. It will forces you to choose wisely what to carry for exploration, and what to leave in those baskets on your boat.
You will need to build a boat to sail across the islands. That is an amazing part of the game, boat buiding is satisfying and there are a lot of possibilities. Sailing is realistic, you have to consider the direction of the wind, loosen or tighten the sail to make it work as you wish, and of course if you plan to sail against the direction of the wind you will have to use those tools wisely.
The game is divided into 5 chapters, and you and your boat will be challenged between each chapter, so be prepared!!
Areas are procedurally generated, and between each chapter you will have the possibility to buy 1 blessing which will be active even after a death. For example, if you activate an Unbreakable Bow blessing, you will have the chance to respawn with that valuable bow to help you start again more easily.
I'd give this game 4.5/5, there is space for improvement but what you will get now is a majestic, peaceful and challenging game.