When ever I see something from the show I feel like their's something to relate compared to most other cartoons made for adults, and it's most realistic about reality such as people not willing to forgive even if they try to apologies because most people are like that they don't forgive and forget cause it doesn't make them feel better.
They also show flash backs and even the family members that show how the characters behave the way they are unlike homer and peter who are simply stupid and don't have good parents,but are simply bad people without much reason why, this show explains why bojack is the way he is and sometimes you root for him other times you can't and sometimes you can only feel sorry for him.
Now Diane Nguyen she's the most realistic cartoon character I've ever met and she has something most shows barely touch she's "misunderstood intellectual," and unlike lisa from the simpsons where she is at least not treated so harshly by here family and is loved at least by here parents and even her brother which he won't admit, Diane Nguyen family makes you wish you be in foster care as her brothers and even her own parents are abusive narcissists, her family's Vietnamese, but they don't want to admit, and she's been the punching bag all her life and she fits many of those reddit posts of what means dealing with abusive family's like this and given that she's a woman she's likely the reason they are like this.
This show has more to offer and you won't know until you watch it for yourself it's worth it.