Aladdin, the magical story told by Disney, brought back to life from the original animated version. Candidly… a marvel, to the eyes to the ears and to the heart. A great story exposing the demons and angels hidden inside us all. Aladdin retold could not have been, well, “retold” in a better way. By introducing a rather new cast and a combination of animations as well as special effects, the once fully animated movie seems to come to life... Truly, the most striking thing (usually not known to be the most important part, but what seems to have the biggest effect of all), the color... vivid, saturated, and vibrant, yet so real it pops out. Although in another sense, it is completely embedded within the film, with no falcity. The color of everything in this movie shows the rich culture of the people living inside of the story and the beauty within the story itself. Not only the color of the image put in front of you but also the color of the costumes. Every single one intricate as any other, shows the detail, beauty, and hard work put into the making of this film. No matter the actor, the makeup and costume changes everything for the good or for the bad. In Aladdin, every single one is for the good. Although a few nuances here and there, for example the first scene at the market, seams unrealistic as the characters move quicker than their mouths and voices can. Another quite pivotal point is the music. Although most of it is not new, in fact the music is quite commonly repeated within the film, it is played in different ways according to the scene, conveying each scene individualistically adds a touch of creativity and detail to the film. All photography aspects are very well executed without putting to much of a strain on the negative space within the image. The acting once again extremely well performed as the emotions of the movie always seem to come out naturally. It can be seen that every actor in the film pours their heart and soul into the perfection of their character. The plotline is dramatic and full of emotions, some scenes a bit cheesy, though expected. All in all, the Aladdin movie remake is truly a success that can be used as bar of reference for all movies to come, whether in the image quality or the sheer effort put forth within it. Disney always has a way of bringing out the small bit of magic within us all.