It is very rare in the Gabriel Allon books that he survives the story without being nearly killed and without being tortured or badly injured.
The safe sailing of dear Gabriel through the book was surprising and refreshing.
No big surprises on the Russian side - very actual mirror of reality, and reality plays a kind of spoiler to the book. A good beautiful Russian woman is expected as another character - but she is missing in the story. Maybe one of Petrovs girls should have helped Ingrid and then be killed for that? All Russians are bad except when they are about to die and then their conscience gets a chance, like with Gennadi.
Last moments of Kruchina leave the reader in a bit of a mystery. Ok, HIMARS killed him, that's my guess.
Ari Shamron is very briefly seen. Looks like he is about to leave the stage.
The environmental theme gets a big place in the book .. not bad. Maybe some of the billions robbed from Petrov should go to the green cause.
Recommended to lovers of Gabriel Allon and i am looking forward for the next book.
Need to find the missing painting.