While the technical problems may be a dealbreaker for some, Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is a great game that excels in gameplay, story, and musical prowess. Not only does it represent a great example of a video game, but it also represents a great example of a good Star Wars game. The only problems that could make for substantial criticisms would be the technical problems which are very noticeable while playing. Character models will sometimes clip through the floor, textures of characters and environments will take few seconds to load, sometimes the physics of the game become an issue and characters are launched hundreds of feet into the air, and the most notable bug taking place during cutscenes where character models will load in after the cutscene starts. However with recent patches and updates these problems start to become less and less to a point where when I replayed the game I almost didn’t notice these issues. That being said it is still understandable why somebody would have a problem with these technical issues as the do take place throughout the whole experience. Now that we got that out of the way it is important to know what type of game this is. If you are a fan of Star Wars, Dark Souls, Legend of Zelda, and any of the Metroid games then this will probably be the perfect game for you. Much like how the original Star Wars trilogy was made by borrowing elements from other movies Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is made by borrowing gameplay elements from other games. This game has the climbing mechanic of the Uncharted series, the puzzles of the Legend of Zelda series, the combat mechanics similar to Souls like games, and the backtracking element of the Metroid series. While these gameplay elements are not better than the games that they are borrowed from they are a still a very fun aspect of what makes this game great. Another thing this game excels at is its story, Cal’s journey to rebuild the Jedi order is one of the best Star Wars stories told we’ve gotten in a long time. All of the characters, even minor ones leave a lasting impact on you because they each get a moment to shine. Anybody who is a fan of the clone wars series will be happy to know that this games provides great callbacks to the show. Exploring an abandoned republic cruiser, seeing flashbacks of the Jedi purge, even simple voice lines from characters of the show leave great callbacks to the series. This game is a must have for any Star Wars fans that want to play a great video game with some very fun and memorable moments.