I'm so disappointed with this game.
It was only fun in the beginning. I really felt I was playing a ghibli game in the beginning but it got less and less ghibli-ish and more like generic adventure story for children towards the end. The villains remind me of the villains from 90s kids' shows with cheesy dialogue. Also, it's hard to save up money because everything in the shops are so expensive. It has the worst battle system on an RPG game I have ever played. I'm not really motivated to finish the game anymore. Glad I got it on discount.
Also, what I really annoys me about this game is that I have to feed all my monsters all the time. They get hungry so quickly. There's no way to feed each monster a large amount at the same time. You have to watch them do the same animation over and over until they are full. I have literally fallen asleep so many times just from feeding the monsters because it takes so long.