personally i think the movie is dumb. it’s honestly unrealistic. she is 6’1 1/2 which is not very tall, and she’s in junior year. on the other hand at my school and most schools they’re are a lot of people over 6 foot, some being girls. in the movie the way it’s made and how the lines are made it seems like she’s 18 feet tall. i’m a freshman and there are lots of girls who are tall and some that are taller than 6 foot, yet they don’t get bullied or picked on about it. now the opposite of tall, is short. which is my size. i just hit 5’2 and i’ve been bullied and made fun of for being short, much more than tall girls do for their height. in the movie they must’ve used people who were all my height because i know for a fact not everyone in that whole entire school (casting of movie) is that short. they make her height so much more of a big deal then it really is.