I love this game the only thing I don't really like is how in combat the battle damage and stats doesn't really make sense like for example the second sister's kick it does like a quarter your health and I'm like a kick does that much damage really and then I'll also say this is just a little short to I wish the campaign was longer and I really hope there's some kind of romantic interest between Merrin and cal cuz that would be awesome because it looked like she was pretty worried at the end of the game when she hugged him so who knows what that can mean but I'm hoping it means what I want to meanI also hope if they do make a second game of this they give him a merrin more of an actual role like she's actually with him when you know he's out fighting stuff or something like that jshe joined up and was supposed to be his ally but you know it's kind of dumbt that she just sits on the ship the entire time but what was the point of her coming along now if she went out and actually fought with him that would be really awesome or like you could have her like an assist magic attack or something like that main point early make the campaign longer have more role for The other side characters to be involved especially Marin and try to make the damage more equal or you know make it so it isn't just boom 25% hit boom 25% hit HP 25% gone like that's pretty much most of the main characters attacks that you fight their hates all do way more damage than yours which is really irritating even if like you're still at the beginning of the game your tax are super weak while their enemies attacks are already strong as hell