The most romantic historical series I've ever seen in my lifetime!
spectral_intricacies6 February 2019
The cinematography, was surreal and mesmerizing. Once I watched the first episode to the last, my eyes steadfastly feasted on each and every moment of this beautiful A+ series. There were a multitude of action war scenes in which the film maker used slow motion without the viewer becoming distracted. The use of slow motion was subtle and well integrated in perfect timing.. It was used throughout the episodes. I became immersed with the characters and the history behind it. I picked up my history books after seeing this film The music score was phenomenal and each score blended perfectly to fit each scene. The full orchestral scores between episodes were tactfully saved for bluish snow scenes in slow and still motion that romanticized the love story in this historical drama that drew me to the parallel imagination of Cinderella. The language made heavy use of eloquent and very romantic metaphors. The expressiveness of the script can only be described as "genius". The people who produced this film should be widely praised and marketed in the US. I hope to see more of their work! Bravo!!!