Tyler addressed the many social nuances that exists in our society today in a way that causes us to think about those things that have been to uncomfortable for us to address. From elder abuse, social isolation after a divorce, being vulnerable and acting out of loneliness which can and did lead to bad choices and did for Grace. Identity theft, a rampant issue in our society! "Complacency", how many attorneys, physicians as well as those in other professions become complacent and even critical of the way they see people, which becomes reflective in the way they perform their jobs. Being non passionate in those professions, (of their own and others), can lead to loss of life, freedom or both.Those in the criminal justice system often become stymied, (every poor or Black person is guilty), and that can cause innocent people to be convicted because this person have no passion for their job. Most cases in the Criminal Justice System are "Plea Deals", because the person cannot afford a non court appointed attorney or get's one like Jasmine who forgot why she became and attorney in the first place. She had no passion or commitment to fight for clients she saw all as guilty and somewhat disgusting! Many people bring their personal idiosyncrasies to their jobs. He allowed the young attorney to see her flaws and non passion for her job through the eyes of those who knew here intricately, including her husband and that spurred her to really examine the case, and fight. I think it also showed us that you cannot judge people as guilty by their phenotype or checkbook! Had her abilities and non passion for law not been challenged as her own personal failures would she have fought for Grace, I think not. It could have led to Grace spending the rest of her life in prison for something she did not do. How many times have we seen innocent Black men released from Prison after decades.Think how many others who have already been put to death. He also gave us twists and turns and left us with a Cliffhanger that must lead to a second movie, I can't wait to see it. Tyler always goes inside and make us look at who and what we are and touches core issues in our communities and society at large whether it is a drama, suspense or comedy. I salute him and can't wait for his next project!