I was disappointed. As a pastor I encouraged my people to go see this movie. I say movie because that's what the trailer led us to think it was. It turned out to be an hour and a half gospel concert put on by a number of artists. While the music was good, it was not why I invited my church to the theater. I did not appreciate the singers preaching to my people. But most of all I was disappointed because I expected to see a feature length movie and that was not delivered. Many of my people had young children, and they were thoroughly bored with it all. A number of them left in the middle. I said to one of the members of my leadership board as we were leaving, " for a movie, that was a pretty good concert.". Therein lies the problem. Understand that this is simply the opinion of one man, but my guess is that it is shared by many. For those who loved this event, I'm very happy for you. Sadly, I'm not one of them.