I had this game on PS2, loved it because it was Rockstar and it was dark and sinister, you had to hide and attack from the darkness, if not there was no chance of you defeating a group of goons, all about the stealth. The game got harder as you progressed so having/making guns as weapons made it harder to be stealth.
Also had Manhunt 2 on PSP which we had to wait over a year from release date for it to actually be released as it was to gory and the blood spraying attacks had to be toned down for the easily offended majority but the game was magic when it was released because if you used earphones you would get the full listening experience from it.
So manhunt for 11.99 from download store was a steal and i couldnt walk past it without buying and reliving my youth. Highly recommend to anyone that likes a challenge but can handle the brutal violence to be endured 👍🏼👍🏼