I actually really disdained this movie and got up to leave the room...saw it at home. This movie portrayed people who are poor as "bad" people with no morals or self pride. They show a very traditional Asian twisted way of how people act and I quite frankly found it very disturbing. If you want to label a film with stereotyping...this is it.
It is true that the rich use the poor to help them in their every day lives. Arguably, the rich often take advantage of the less fortunate who assist them for sure, but to portray the poor as outright immoral crooks I found just wrong. There are many housekeepers, drivers and the like who are just working to survive...but the way Americans are reacting to the Asian representation of this scenario, true or not, shows the shallowness of the American mindset.
Nevermind that a foreign film won best picture...which in of itself bothers me considering the other films up for best picture. The Academy and the voters should be ashamed to praise such a twisted view of "normal life" of the poor...especially since many of those who have won or vote are the very same "rich" people who may very well be guilty of treating their workers in the same way!
Lord help us all if this is common in the real world. If so, the moral fabric of human kind is pitiful.