Dexter's Laboratory presents the struggles of childhood, manifesting in Dexter's loneliness and isolation from his family, his school and the rest of the world. His closest acquaintance -- his sister Dee Dee -- continuously annoys Dexter, but the audience eventually learns that Dee Dee is simply Dexter's closest and only friend in the world. Dee Dee's curiosity within Dexter's evil work isn't based in her interest in science but in her interest of her brother.
The writers eloquently portray the levels of obsession and the traumatic misfortunes of a child's dream of dominating the world. Dexter's goal of world domination should not be perceived as his desire for control and power, but a desire to be validated and known by the rest of the world. This show is timeless and eternal; it will outlive the writers and characters. A person is simply flesh and blood, but a symbol is everlasting. Dexter is within all of us, and we are all within Dexter.