To Sunil Ambwani
Do you really claim that women's position is the same in the west and the east??? Are you really that uneducated/biased or just love to complain? Of course, there is abuse of women in the developed world too sadly... But saying abuse is of the same level? Whereas on East (in some radical countries) women can be sold off/married off in a young age, denied education and any kind of freedom and basic human rights? Really, you still think that ''woman's position is the same everywhere''? NO IT'S NOT. Saying this is almost insulting/sacrilege - cause it undermines inequality that women in some Eastern countries face, it undermines the progress that women have achieved in the developed word... It also adopts this false victimhood position - thus AGAIN undermining everything women have achieved... It's also slightly misandric as it indirectly implicates that male are ''all the same'' and are selfish, dominating blah blah - which is NOT true cause there are lots of decent men who love, respect and cherish women... I believe that Chenaz' plot line is about opening eyes and escaping toxic relationship with a narcissistic person (who happens to be a man - but so that you know, women ALSO can be selfish, narcisstic, cruel and manipulative, and self-serving) . Noone forced her to be with him, she chose it herself (unlike her patient who didn't have a choice), it's about how we close eyes to our own problems, how we lie to ourselves cause we lack maturity/bravery/objectivity to face the situation... Which is ironic cause she's psychiatrist and she didn't manage to analyse her husband sooner - which is also relatable cause it happens in real life as well when we help other people but we are blind to our own plights... But she did it, she left and she broke the cycle. So please don't turn it into this false victimhood. Yes, abuse and inequality happens, sadly. But I, as a woman, do NOT feel ''powerless, abused, oppressed by male society'' or whatever. I respect myself too much and I refuse to be a victim when people somewhere in the world suffer MUCH, much more. I also appreciate all freedoms I have thanks to my predeccessors, I respect my fellow women AND men as well and I recommend you to do the same. I'm sorry if maybe you faced inequality or abuse in your life - but this is NOT a norm in the developed world and it's possible to live differently.