I saw an early cast/crew screening of this at KaPow Intergalactic Film Festival. A mannequin of Bloody Bobby Maxwell and Halloween decorations was set up next to the screen for fun photoshoots after the screening. They gave out about 20 plastic battery-powered lazer guns to random people, to shoot at the screen everytime they saw Bloody Bobby appear. Months after that, I was invited to a "4-Dimensional" private screening/Halloween party at Sunland Sunspace in Shadow Hills, sponsored by MEAT Clown Industries. Anyone dressed as a clown got in for free. They had different spooky or surreal artists selling art at tables. Musicians and DJs performed onstage before the screening, and the Wizard of LA did some magic tricks with a neon levitating wand. When the movie rolled, everytime Bloody Bobby appeared on screen, someone dressed like Bloody Bobby would leap suddenly through a door from the projection wall, and terrorize the audience, then disappear back into the screen again. During the end credits, a pumpkin-headed skellington apparition slowly zoomed across a fishing line attached to the ceiling. Plus they gave out free Halloween candy and spider rings to attendees.