imvu is far better.less costly(who seriously wants to pay alot of rl cash to rent fake land?) Imvu gives you your own room and it doesn't cost much for enough credits for a realistic looking avatar,creators have come out with some of the most amazing mesh heads and skins,and some of the best clothes.not to mention you can also buy rooms,furnitures,poses etc for an affordable price,Imvu staff is always there to help people and doesn't ban people with they report wrong doings like second life does.Fact is the people who are on second life are getting robbed in their "game" because thats what it is,its a fake world where you can be whatever you want to be,it's basically the sims,alot like yes it is a both imvu and second life you can be what you want to be,look how you want to look,listen to music,create,be in online relationships that don't last long etc.except Imvu is more realistic on their prices and their staff actually knows how to do their job.