I want to talk to some one about the state of this Country with Most democrate's. They are EVIL & SATANIC because they are bent on destroying this country as formed. That is against the oath they say when they take any office even all judges to uphold the Constitution and they don't they want to destroy the constitution & government thusly the Country by making my Country a sociatistic or communistic country which is against the oath they all took to uphold. In the Revulation war a man did the same thing he was tried and found guilty and hung. I don't say this without being very sad about this. If anyone wants a socsialist Country why don't they go to China, Russia, Cuba or any Country like that instead trying to DESTROY THE COUNTRY? WHY, WHY, WHY I LOVE THIS COUNTRY AS IT WAS FORMED. OTHERS OF YOU PLEASE HELP ME AND OTHERS WHO WANT THE SAME THING!!!!