In this Disney Channel original sequel, Mel is having difficulties adjusting to life as a good guy and returns to the Island of the Lost. Her boyfriend Ben and her friends go after her but have to deal with Uma, the daughter of Urzula, Harry the son of Captain Hook and Gil, the son of Gaston. The problems the previous movie had were dealt with here. We do not deal with the parents of the kids at all, so the tone has a more even feel. “Chillin’ Like a Villain” is a bagger of a song and the choreography for “You and Me” with the water was very creative. We also get a little more Dianne Doan as Lonnie. However, this is still a Disney Channel movie and as such you have to lower a few expectations. Set design, while creative, had noticeable budget constraints and some acting was wooden or inconsistent. There were also quite a few plot conveniences. On the whole, I would recommend a single viewing.