Absolute GARBAGE now when i heard a second LEGO MOVIE was coming out I thought ey maybe the game that comes out with it will be cool NAH MY DUDE GO AND PLAY LEGO WORLDS AND MAKE EMMET AND WILDSTYLE AND THATS BASICALLY THIS GAME I HAVE NEVER BEEN SO DISAPPOINTED IN LEGO IN MY LIFE ALL THE LEGO GAMES I PLAYED WERE NEVER THIS BAD BESIDES THIS MOVIE SERIES GAME AND THEY WERE BOTH BAD ONLY THING I LIKE ABOUT THIS IS THAT YOU CAN FREE ROAM BUT BRUH this was TRASH sorry LEGO inc but you have made better games you guys should have just never made any games for the LEGO MOVIE THE SECOND PART cause it’s just you know what all I have to say IMPROVE. #no disrespect to LEGO inc