This show left me very frustrated. I had to skip all the parts with Jane and Rafael together because I hated their relationship from the start. Then, just when Jane finally realized that Michael was sweeter, kinder, and just better than Rafael in general, and they get married, the show had to kill him off. I don't care that they brought him back. I'm actually mad about that too. They had the audacity to make him a rancher, live away from Miami, heartbroken again, and they didn't give Ro and Michael some bro time. Michael deserves so much better. Bringing him back for a few episodes so that he could just get that was depressing and his actual death was more meaningful. They should have just kept him dead instead of disrespecting him like that. Also, Jane vowed to be with Michael through sickness and a bunch of other stuff. Michael deserves much better than her. He deserved a not judgy, not self-righteous, and true to their words person.