Genuinely the worst FPS game you can play at the moment.
It is nothing but a bundle of pure frustration, packaged so tight that not even an ounce of enjoyment can seep through.
You'll get domed around corners, blasted by rockets you couldn't even anticipate, 2 tapped in the chest by some AR, meleed by someone not even looking in your direction, spawnkilled six times in a row, ... so on and so forth.
Nobody seems to plays for fun. Almost everyone you encounter is or will be grinding for skins, and they will deploy the most toxic tactics possible in order to achieve them. It doesn't help that the objectives listed require you either play as though you're a drugged up Wehrmacht soldier during the last battles of WW2 or a complete hermit, no in-between.
Multiplayer, the gamemode that is currently listed for $70, has been ignored. Glitches that were reported week 1 are still prevalent, and no new maps or weapons have been added to the rotation (save for Shipment and Shoothouse and, I think, M4-but-slightly-different rifle #32). WarZone and DMZ are Activision's babies, whereas MP is the neglected middle-child whose presence is simply tolerated. Don't worry, though: the WZ map, Al-Mazrah, contains a variety of OG MW2 maps within it! Just don't expect to see them anytime soon in MP (but do expect a pricetag attached to them ;))
Shields are back. Nobody asked for them to return except for literal cavedwelling goblinoids, but they're back.
The Russian Vant-VM shield, which is one of the best bullet-proof shields in existence, is so heavy that it requires the operator to use both metal handles as well as a harness to operate. In MW2022 though? Some twig-armed operator can just sprint full-speed with it deployed with zero repercussions. Yeah, I understand CoD isn't renowned for realism, but c'mon, this just screams "unbalanced". BF4 and even BF2042 understood that bullet-proof shields can be overpowered, and made sure there were downsides to using them: in 4, the glass panel can be shot out if damaged enough, and for 2042, the player's sensitivity is reduced when the shield is deployed.
Gamemode selection is pitiful. No 10v10. No infected. No gun-game. We'll randomly change the selection once a week and you have absolutely zero say in what you want to play. Enjoy Shipment? Have fun with it for a week with this 24/7 Shipment playlist before we remove that from the rotation.
Most of the base maps would benefit greatly from being included in 10v10 gamemodes as they are often far too large for 6v6. The reason why Shipment and Shoothouse are so popular is because they provide constant action, whereas the base maps are just tedious to play. I've legitimately had rounds where there were 10-15 seconds of silence because nobody could find each other. No gunfire, no explosions, nothing.
SBMM. It doesn't even work as intended. It's sole purpose is to drive you insane by pitting you against enemies well beyond your skill level until your stats are lowered to an level, where you are then given a match where you absolutely steamroll everyone. Rinse and repeat. Have a buddy who wants to play with you but doesn't spend hours per day grinding out the game? Hope he enjoys getting his soft spot pushed in because your stats are higher than his!
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Don't bother. Go play MW2019. If you still want to play this game, wait for a few updates or a sale (that doesn't reduce the price to just $60 (lol)).