Unhinged: A Horror Movie Masquerading as a Thriller
If you’re expecting a suspenseful thriller, Unhinged may not be what you bargained for. Despite its “thriller” label, this film veers into full-on horror territory, thanks to its intense violence, shocking brutality, and relentless gore. The sheer amount of blood and physical violence...from people set ablaze to vicious stabbings and beatings...is unsettling and far more in line with horror than any classic thriller. The movie does not hold back on its violent scenes, showcasing everything in grim detail.
What I originally thought was a storyline packed with plot holes ended up being something else entirely. This isn’t just the story of an “unhinged” man, but rather, it feels like a dark commentary on just how mind-bogglingly stupid some people can be. The protagonist, portrayed as an ordinary woman, repeatedly makes choices that push the boundaries of logic and common sense. And in a way, that seems to be the point: Unhinged is a surprising (and sometimes darkly funny) exploration of the fact that people who seem like regular, functioning members of society can sometimes be astonishingly inept. They can drive cars, have kids, hold jobs...all while seemingly lacking any sense of self-preservation or intelligence.
By the end, I came to believe that the writer wasn’t clueless in the choices made but rather an unsung genius. Perhaps the true horror here is less about the deranged man terrorizing our protagonist and more about the fact that individuals like her...people without any real intelligence...are living and moving among us. Unhinged becomes a bizarrely fascinating horror about the dangers of obliviousness, and in that sense, it’s disturbingly memorable.