DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME watching this film if you are expecting a "blockbuster apocalyptic science fiction" plot from it. The pacing is sluggish, zero action (unless you count that particular scene *wink), insufficient background on why the universe suddenly decided to end all life on Earth, and the only science fiction in this film is its plot of Earth colliding with another planet. HOWEVER, if you are looking for films that attempt to depict vague and unpopular yet quite relevant aspects of humanity, then this film is among my top five recommendations, despite of what I have pointed out earlier. The sluggish pacing is appropriate and the lack of action compliments the concept, and the lack of "science" about the impending doom is irrelevant. Its plot of a planetary collision is only a backdrop, a metaphor for what the film is actually trying to convey.
I suggest to those who still plan on watching the film to do some quick reading and understand first the title, Melancholia. Once you have done that, let the talented people behind the film give life to your readings