This is an exceptional film...very Baz Luhrman in styling. It could have been a sentimental lovefest but isn' times it feels like a train racing towards a brick wall and you want to be able to stop it bit you can't.
We all know how it ends but the journey to get there is really well mapped out. The acting is good in some cases very, very, good the singing is exceptional. Although the actor playing elvis doesnt really look like him (too modern a face) he really sounds like him, the voice, the songs and the mannerisms are scarily accurate. There were points in the performance scenes when I wanted to applaud along with the audience.
Tom Hanks will get an oscar nomination for his part and it will be well deserved if he wins. Tom is usually very good at the likeable guy but here he is thoroughly dislikable.
The film ends with a black screen and summary statements about the aftermath, as the final one came up the cinema choked back collective tears.
All the minor parts are pretty good too.