this book has been the greatest thing to ever happen to me. EVER. one year and three months ago, in april of the year 2019, i started reading this beautiful, impactful, and overall surreal novel. since then, my ongoing passion and love for victor hugo has been increasing, like a positive exponential function. we have started a victor hugo cult, where we celebrate how intelligent and wonderful he is. because of this novel, i took french 1 in eighth grade. because of this novel, i have something to be happy about and look forward to every single day when i wake up. the plot is intriguing, complex, and stunning. if you do not read this novel, i truly send my condolences, as you have not experienced the most astonishing and remarkable novel in existence. reading this will be a shattering and phenomenal occurrence in your life. i can assure you that you will not regret reading this spectacular book. do it now. purchase the book, right now, and read it. if you do not, you are a disappointment to all those who live around you, and more importantly, me. have a fantastic day.