I like Rebel Wilson but watching this first episode was disturbing to me. The dogs are made to hold still for 3-4 hrs. However long the groomers were given. I believe 4 hrs. Were the dogs given breaks from standing there being cut and painted, hair teased and pulled? Did the dogs get water and potty breaks? If this was mentioned anywhere I did not see that. How many humans like to stand 3-4 hrs. without water, potty break having their skin and hair pulled, painted and cut. I remember getting perms but not standing for 4 hrs. And I was able to get up and go to the bathroom have a drink of water. Sorry just could not enjoy seeing a few of those dogs shaking and panting as distressed by what was happening. They are lucky they all were good natured or were they given something to relax them? I know my dogs would not be that nice standing there for 3-4 hrs. being pulled and prodded into another creature. It would take some extra medication. Where is the Humane Society or other animal welfare orgs checking this?