Spoiler Ahead.
I watched 45 minutes of it and had to say no more.
This guy tasers her and she is knocked out. Really?! Then how many times can you miss a person, one foot away with a knife.
Oh yeah, they in a car and hit a tree at a fast speed, and no injuries. And again she has an opportunity to do damage but nope. Again she misses. Then she tries to strangle him.
And to make it more bizarre, he supposedly injected her with some kind of drug to shut her down, but wait for 45 minutes she never does. Oh, she also drops the only weapon she has, this knife in the woods with this maniac after her.
That was it for me. Anyone who watched the whole thing, kudos to you. Anyone who thinks this movie was great, has to live in a third world country.
After reading some reviews, I am so glad I shut it off.