This game attempted an Avante-garde perspective which is niche in the modern day eye of Melodramas. The game seemed to aim for an Expressionism approached, instead making an Existential approach. Understanding that this is an extremely long game, if the first few hour are ruined for the audience it is hard to continue without being flustered. No one is mad at the people for being topical. Games are normally used as an escape and when topical ideals are used through the game it can also be just as frustrating.
Spoilers/Slight Sperg Moment-->
Basically the worst game, you know those characters you loved in the first game, not only will they die, but one of them you yourself kill. Such a fantastic game. Anyone who up voted this game might not of played the other game. I give the benefit of the doubt. If you enjoyed it great. Don't feed into people yelling at them as if they did something wrong for disliking the content.