The squad women are in the news continually but I don't see or hear now their constituents at their home base state district feels about their opinions or actions. Are they from areas in their state of major number muslin,black, or mixed cultures of individuals? They don't seem willing to represent individuals of European back grounds. Which in it self is form of racists mentality. How dose their home base constituents feel about their faith value system for persons not of their faith believe system? Are they for or against other faiths belief that intolerance of such faiths is righteous? I would like to know in state where they were elected. What the percentage of voters support their radical thinking? Will those voters reelect those congress women or do they regret electing them to congress. Are we faced with increased numbers or individual who see need to over throw current form of government for socialist formed one? This is every disturbing trend in America. Not thing given freely there's always cost.I hope it's not our freedom and way of life.