Odiyan is a movie that is certainly a disastrous outcome of poor direction and an extremely weak and predictable plot. The straight, dragging and slow plot present the movie as one which is targetted at a particular audience which is expected to look upon the lead actor as an unconquerable character like any mainstream movie which intends to worship and promote the star. 50% of the movie embrace highly illogical action sequences which are reminiscent to the ones in any late 90s Malayalam movie where the lead actor literally kicks people around like footballs and is able to fly up in the air and remain undefeatable.
Despite the second half being able to some extent win the appeal to sentiments, it is in the climax that the movie proves to be a monumental disaster with surprisingly senseless action sequences which defy certain laws of physics. Everything that has been hyped about the release and shoot has backfired on the movie. The major element for the movie to be a disappointment is the poor direction and overly done and stuffed-in graphics in the screenplay.
However, the movie does consist of good songs and setting with beautiful backdrops during certain scenes.
The only take away from the movie which is worth the money spent on the ticket is the knowledge about 'Odiyans' in the cultural sphere of Kerala which is highly exaggerated in the movie.