This film is part satire, part farce, and part social commentary with tongue about to come out of cheek. This is not an underplayed nudge to it's audience about climate change. It does portray society's obsession with social media with realistic effectiveness and it's sarcastic wit will not resonate with those that misunderstand that kind of humor. The performances of it's cast are played with just the right amount of realism and absurdity to make it entertaining as a whole. If you find yourself disliking some of the characters, that was the point. I expected much less of this film and was pleasantly surprised. This is Armageddon meets theatre of the absurd. I'd recommend it to anyone, just be neutral and open minded and you may find yourself enjoying it. It is after all, a doomsday comedy, no sugar no cream. That said, some will take more enjoyment bashing it.