Lot of spoilers here !!
Honestly, i did not like it. It was a pretty much straight forward story with no suspense Whatsoever!
Apparently, you can get admitted in a hospital under a fake name without any ID and then kill someone just as easily. Madhavan removed the O2 tube from this old man's mouth and the monitors connected to the his body do not raiser any alarm !!
You won't get fired from your police duty despite you showing up daily drunken to office ! You can engage the entire staff in your personal investigation without any permission or higher orders.
You can enter anyone's building/ house so easily and kill someone just like that !
Madhavan who is a common Man without any criminal background is shown to be always one step ahead from the police except for the last episode where he easily falls prey to their plan.
I mean at least make the series a little bit challenging for Madhavan! Everything is literally landing up in his plate here. He was able to walk into a hospital and get the list of registered donors from an unlocked drawer in an unlocked doctors office ! Come on !! 🙄