After starting this saga when i was 12 and now I’m nearing 30, I feel I’ve lost my connection with this series that meant so much to me before. If anything, re:mind confused me even more. It’s gotten so needlessly convoluted, requiring gamers to play many other titles to somewhat (heavy emphasis on somewhat) understand what’s going on, and answers some questions but leaves us with many more. I don’t have the 8 hours to spend analyzing breadcrumbs left amongst the plethora of titles, or research further into the interviews and articles to theorize possibilities. This feels like homework and not how a game should be (to me anyways).
What was the point of going through the ENTIRE ENDING AGAIN only to play as mediocre leveled characters that the player BARELY gets to fight as? We never get to fully explore their combat abilities. And exploring Scala was bleh. Gorgeous yes, but boring. I didn’t feel much joy honestly. I just wanted to find all those pieces and be done with it. This whole thing was boss rush 2.0 with extra sparkle.
The data battles though kicked my A55 and that was honestly the only redeeming part of this $30 DLC. Now that I have all my trophies I can hang up my Keyblade.
I was so hyped for this release and it fell so flat. I’m not feeling the magic anymore. Im feeling lost and unsatisfied as a gamer when I play this. I miss the story and being able to follow it without having to take notes. This DLC especially wasn’t for casual gamers, I get it loud and clear.
TLDR; If you’re wondering to download it, wait till the price drops and try not to spoil yourself watching all 4 hours of cutscenes and 30 minutes of gameplay on youtube. The limit cut bosses will slaughter you if you're not maxed out to the teeth, but they’re the most satisfying aspect of this entire rehashed DLC.
To everyone who is liking this title still and loving the DLC I’m glad you still find enjoyment in this series. Maybe you can better explain just what the heck is going on.
Yes I’m super salty. Sue me.