Whatever anyone might think of the shortcomings of Slipaway, they are entirely eclipsed by the simple, complex and beautiful story of two human beings whose lives are dramatically impacted by their chance encounter. The performance by Elaine Partnow is what I think we all dream an actor can provide on screen- complete transcendence to character and a radiance that just jumps out and enfolds the viewer - at least this viewer.The cinematography is beautiful, sparkling, and also amazing in the boats's interior scenes. The score which some find manipulative or melodramatic, moved me very much. Yes, some characters were not particularly well-developed, but in its totality, this film - amazingly from first time director(s) was a revelation. Jesse Pepe was great in a role that i think must be very difficult to inhabit, but Elaine Partnow would now own an Oscar for best actress if that award was actually given for best performance.