really disappointing made all the new trilogy not worth following and steps on and does not understand what made star wars great. I wanted to love TROS I really did. I didn't hate the other two movies in the new trilogy by any means. I loved TFA I know it shared the same plot structure as ANH but it was clearly intentional and I did not mind and did really enjoy the film overall. I did have my problems with TLJ but I still liked it and it subverted my expectations. It gave me some bits I wasn't to happy with but also gave me some bits I loved and overall I thought it was a good movie. The prequals were still worse than the new trilogy but at least they where consistent and that is what disappointed me most about the new trilogy the lack of consistency it just felt messy and not to get in to spoilers for TROS but I hated the third act and the bloodline/lineage and how the force is used and found parts of the film annoyingly predictable among other problems I had with the movie at the end of the day I'm not writing this review to hate or discriminate against anyone I just needed to vent my disappointment.