Best Sitcom of its time and still now. No wonder Netflix cancelled this show due to its presence in the stream would let other movies and series go unnoticed. I mean they were right. Guess what? I dont have to explain you about how awesome is this show ........ Coz there always be one person among your group, who has forced or forcing you or " suggesting" you this show already. So that way u know , how this show has left its mark on television history. I mean , it was aired 1995 and its 2021 now!!! And stilk can't stop talking about it .
So I would like to suggest you this show, if you haven't be suggested yet!😎😂😇😇😇
Ross, Rachel, Monica, Chandler, Phoebe & Joey are not just some characters ........they are part of my life and soon gonna be yours tooo.