I absolutely love this game. I knew I was going to buy one game so I could play it through and give a review about on my small community I do reviews in but I've enjoyed this game so much im thinking about buying shield. First off the starters are all pretty decent there about 2nd teir starters that are on par with silver,gold,x,y starters. The story was I bit underutilized for the system and the past games but it had a really good story I mean it's just a hair off of sun and moon and they had some of the best story's in the series. The post game was really fun to complete I'm not spoiling anything but it was fun non the less. The battles in this game haven't been so smooth since ruby and sapphire. The rival starts out a like the sun and moon rival (cant think of his name for the life of me but then becomes a really good rival 3rd in the series in my opinion only under silver and blue. Finally I will give the game an 8 out of 10 it's an absolute joy to play through.