Honestly, is just another battle shounen. This means is super predictable, the characters are nothing new from any other stereotypical characters we have seen in other animes before.
The plot is simple enough for kids to understand. And if for some reason, you somehow loose track of the plot, don't worry, characters explain every little detail of the plot and/or have convenient flashback when needed.
I am tempted to give this anime 2 stars only because of the quality. It is amazingly done, the animation is very detailed and overall the aesthetic is very pleasing. However, the immaturity of the script holds me on the one star rating.
This anime is a no brainer, just sit there, enjoy the action parts, the hot anime waifus, the prepubescent humor, and wait for the super predictable ending.
Ps: this show is definitely for kids, or grown-ups with a kids mind. The blood, gore, and "sexy" scenes are not enough to make this show for an older audience.