I watched it knowing nothing about the team now i have signed up to the fan club. Heart wrenching. to watch the fans disappointment.Feel the business model for football needs to be fairer. Players should have poor performance and league demotion qualifiers in their contracts so managers can! get rid of them when they are holding the club back,i.e. on premier league salary after being demoted and refusing to ,move on to another club..Also transfer window a nightmare with agents having too much power.Maja should have stayed with the club until the end of the season and they probably would have won. He has not done that well in France ,he played to his strengths jn Sunderland because the other players were behind him one hundred per cent, his new team and manager have no such loyalty to him. The new owners put their hearts and money jnto the club and deserved for the team to be successful. Going g forward i will be joining Sunderland fans and putting my soul behind their hopes. LOVED watching this netflick series.
BEST wishes to all Sunderland fans,players manger and owners.
Nelly Jones watching from SINGAPORE