Loved this game growing up. What made the game fun was looking for things, the extra playable characters, the breeding of chokobos, playing games, and sadly all of that is gone. This upset me terribly!!! I was looking forward to these things!
However, on the bright side, the game itself, I loved being able to switch back and forth with the characters with ease, which made playing the characters really immersive.
The graphics were great of course. I found myself thinking that some of the dialogue, or lack thereof was weird. As an example, a person may ask someone something and would answer with a mpff, kind of answer in the scenes that you can't fast forward through. Why even put that in there???
When I played the game and beat it, I played it in classic mode, I may have to try it in hard at sometime in the future, but for now, I am so disappointed with the things I was looking forward to that I don't want to play it for awhile.